My Must Haves for Business Success in 2022.

Business woman celebrating a successful business year with champagne thanks to her business systems and business structure.

Create an amazing calendar system

… and fiercely protect it. Since implementing my calendar system (combined with some of the other things I will mention below) my productivity has probably jumped about 500%. No joke. I have more time and space for growth focused tasks, profit generating activities, and even personal space and downtime.

Would you be interested in learning about how I set up my calendar system? Stay tuned!

Have integrity with myself

Putting things on an amazing calendar doesn’t mean much when you don’t have integrity with yourself and show up to do what you’ve said you will do! We often focus on having integrity and accountability with others, but never expect the same from ourselves. The more you say you will do something and DON’T, the more your brain expects that as a result.

Create systems that save time

Gah I love systems and workflows. Technology has come a long way in the last ten years allowing us to automate a large majority of our tasks and do so almost instantaneously. If I am doing even a small task that can be automated, frankly I’m wasting time. Confirming coaching appointments and sessions? Automated it. Marketing? Automated it. Contracts, payments, and inquiries? Automated it. Those things are no longer on my to-do list freeing me up for things that actually require my brain power and vision.

Know my numbers

If I were to ask you what your profit numbers, monthly expenses, and financial goals were, would you be able to answer me quickly? This one certainly isn’t new for 2022, but I can tell you it makes a HUGE impact in hitting multiple six figures as a business owner. Multiple times a week, I check my numbers. I look at my “scores”. Am I on track compared to 2021? Am I able to hit my financial goals? Do I need an extra push to hit those goals? Am I spending too much money outside of necessary expenses? Looking at these numbers regularly keeps me motivated and in check.

Rest and seek restoration

I say it all the time, “Rest is an investment in future productivity.” and I believe it more and more every year I’m in business. You absolutely cannot operate at a high level indefinitely. You will burn out. You will wear down. You will lose connections. You will endanger your well being. The hustle is simply NOT WORTH IT! There are times to hustle and there are times to rest. Even more, there are times to seek RESTORATION… a more full and complete result from meeting your needs.

Having amazing tools

I’m a cheapskate, I’ll admit it. When it comes to running my business I like to have as few expenses and bells as possible. I like to keep it streamlined and to the point but this year I did add a few new tools and worked more with some I already had. Some of my favorites? Slack. Slack keeps my team communicating and even though we all work remotely, together. My Full Focus Planner. By far my favorite planner out there and my main space to brain dump and plan my day. Kajabi. I literally couldn’t do the educational side of my business without Kajabi. It’s not a tool the average business owner needs, but it’s an amazing one for me. Calendly. Remember how I talked about systems and workflows? This one is a huge asset to me. All my sessions run through Calendly with automations and workflows connected. Squarespace. Forever a fan, Squarespace makes websites and blogging so user friendly while looking great! Honeybook. Honeybook is my go to source for client management and contracts.

These tools have helped me create a business that runs effectively, focuses on systemization and simplification, and keeps me focused on the parts of business and life that matters.

Ready to work towards a better business structure? A great place to start with with our upcoming FREE Marketing Strategy Masterclass this January 5th and 6th! Inside this Masterclass we will look at what has changed in marketing, setting up 2023 for success, and how to work smarter not harder while moving beyond just posting to Instagram and hoping something sticks. Sounds amazing? Grab your free seat!

Looking for a more personalized one to one approach to business growth? Apply for business coaching!

Beautiful photo by my girl Mary Kate Steele Photography with HMUA by Maggie Fields, spray tan by Honey Spray Tans, and dress by Saylor.


2022 Recap


How to Improve Productivity with these 3 Easy Tips