2022 Recap

I’m diving into writing this 2022 recap both for you who are curious and ready to learn and, truthfully, me too. So often our brains focus on short term memories… what we did last week or maybe last month. With deep to-do lists and responsibilities, the adventures and triumphs of a few months ago become distant memories and often we find ourselves wanting more, forgetting what we’ve already had.

So in this recap, I’m hoping you can find some lessons and inspiration from my year, but also so that I can intentionally soak in all this year has brought me both personally and professionally.

This year has been a year of expansion and maturity. These two words are certainly NOT the words I would have expected if you had asked me in December 2021, but 2022 has truly transformed me. I am quite frankly not the person I was in 2021.

In business, you hear the phrase “next level” or “level up” quite often. I think too frequently it is used in a flashy or vaguely inspiring way but the reality is, it does happen. People do, infact, level up. 2022 was my year to enter my next level. I felt it. I embraced it… and I can never go back to who I was before.

In 2021, we made some big changes. We moved out of our tiny home of 16 years. We moved to entirely different city (or town as it may be). I no longer worked with a client that was taking the majority of my time. I embraced some serious fear as I became the major breadwinner for our family. It was quite frankly, terrifying… but we did it anyways.

Then January came… and I found my place. I created a new system for coaching clients and met some of the most incredible business owners and watched them walk through growth, fear, ups, and downs. I became more profitable than ever before but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because I LOVED what I was offering and I KNEW I was making a difference.

And with January came systems and workflows that just WORKED. Then came the boundaries and respect that I delivered and expected. Then came the vision to build more and make a bigger impact. Then came building my team and making space. All the pieces just clicked together like a beautiful puzzle that was so obvious but hadn’t ever been put together before… because I wasn’t ready.

I tell my coaching clients all the time that you are exactly where you are supposed to be in your journey. I believe this more than ever after 2022.

I could NOT have run the business I run now previously in my old tiny house. I could NOT have run the systems I have now when I lacked boundaries. I could NOT have handled the business while still working for that other client. I wasn’t ready.

2022 was the year of expansion and maturity, in so many ways.

If I spent time writing about every detail of the last year… we’d be here til 2024, so here are some highlights:

2022 Highlights

  • January Launch was path shifting - welcomed lots of new coaching clients

  • Finally added a much needed new team member, Megan!

  • Traveling to Next Level Event in California to learn from MY business coach

  • NYBFW in New York - stood on The Edge… proud of that.

  • Watched my son Trey steal 2 bases and slide into home for the game winning point and get his first game ball (and sports injury).

  • Went camping in 105 degrees - do not recommend -

  • New England Summer Road Trip - incredible doesn’t even begin to describe it!

  • Launched a BRAND NEW PROGRAM: Marketing Academy (doors open again soon!)

  • Started a Group Cohort Coaching Program - Upleveled

  • Became a die hard Grizzlies fan and have attended a few games with my son!

  • Traveled to second shoot with my best friend to Colorado and Kansas City - the aspens were stunning!

  • Helped create a beautiful editorial at White Raven Manor

  • Welcomed a lot of new members into the Society and shifted how we offered the Society

  • Went with Cade to Cross Country State Championships - YAY Cade!

  • Took on a big client project just in time for the holidays- because I believed so strongly in it and the amazing woman behind the wheel

  • Grew the team again! T’Keya - so glad to have you!

  • Had our most profitable year to date with almost 200% growth!

I am grateful for the challenges and successes or 2022… and I’m THRILLED for what is to come in 2023! I’m ready for my next level.

Have you grabbed your seat for the Free Marketing Strategy Masterclass January 5th and 6th? Learn how to build a marketing strategy for your business in 2023. Seats are limited!


FREE Marketing Strategy Masterclass


My Must Haves for Business Success in 2022.