Is Everything Breaking?

Over the past couple months it seems like everything around me keeps breaking.

First, it was the microwave door handle, then water pouring through my son's ceiling thanks to a broken air conditioner, then the pool started acting up, followed by the freaking transmission in my car. 

The final straw... my garage door system gave me the finger last week and decided to call it quits. 

Am I complaining? Maybe a little. I certainly had my moments over the past few weeks. 

But in the midst of this chaos, we were discussing perspective inside my Upleveled Mastermind group and I wanted to share a bit of my thoughts with you.

Is everything breaking in my world? Or is everything getting fixed?

Is ANY of this how I would have liked or planned? No. But the flip side of chaos is order. Guess who now has a brand new garage system with TWO remotes and WIFI? This girl. Guess who no longer has to reach behind the garage refrigerator to push the open button because a nice tech decided to move the button? This girl. 

Guess who is getting a transmission under warranty and broke down in a safe spot? This girl.

Guess who now gets to redesign my son's room to be what he dreams of because of water damage? This girl.

Home warranty is getting us a new microwave. We will have a more energy efficient AC unit... you get the point.

So while I could be PISSED that everything around me is breaking... I am challenging myself to reframe the story.


Not on my schedule. It wasn't on my priority list. But it doesn't make it any less true. 

What around YOU do you feel is breaking? Maybe it's your energy level. Maybe it's your number of inquiries. Maybe it's YOUR dang garage? (Gah I hope not!)

How can you reframe your situation to see the good? What is being FIXED in those moments? What are you learning?

 Why does reframing matter? Because your brain looks for proof that what you believe is true. If you believe bad things are happening around you, it will look to prove that true and that is what you will continue to see. If you believe GOOD things are happening around you (even in bad situations), you brain will look for proof that THAT is true. Where would you rather live? Looking for the bad? Or being grateful for the good?


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