What’s Working for Marketing Your Wedding Business Now

I teach regularly to create a marketing strategy, apply it, and then change it. The reality is, a good marketing strategy is always evolving as tools and resources evolve. Let’s look at what’s working specifically for wedding professionals at the moment.


Instagram is still top priority for reaching clients of marrying age in social media. HOWEVER, priority isn’t given to picture perfect highly curated feeds, but rather to behind the scenes looks at real people and real events. 

This means that letting people get to know your team, get to know your processes, see behind the scenes, educate, AND show your work is the best way to go on Instagram at the moment. 


Part of Instagram, but worth its own section. Reels is content King on Instagram right now with Instagram continuing to embrace short form video to stay relevant in the social media world. Please don’t sleep on Reels. Keep it short, casual, and on brand, but take the time to add things such as behind the scenes, product showcases, education, and personal touches to your platform using Reels.


Like it or not its here to stay. TikTok is popular mostly in the NEXT generation who will be getting married in the next few years. So reality is, if you plan on being in business in 5 years, you may need to consider expanding your marketing to TikTok and using the platform to educate, entertain, connect, and show your services. 


Blogging is dead… not! A more accurate statement would be blogging is strategic and aimed at fueling your marketing and feeding search engines rather than creating aa devote readership. I personally teach a very unique approach to blogging that might ease your nerves on suddenly having to update your blog regularly again.


Did you know couples research what they want on Pinterest before they even look on Instagram? Which means, you could be inspiring their wedding choices far before they even have a ring on their finger. Choices right at their fingertips. 


IF you have a budget for your business and ads are part of that strategy, you are in good hands when done right. Google Ads and Facebook Ads are certainly king but be on the look out for TikTok ads and Pinterest to creep in there too. Ads have the potential to connect you directly to couples at the point in life needing your services or even immediately as they search for those services.


Last but DEFINITELY not least, reviews. Review platforms, reviews used as marketing materials, reviews made into content…. All the way reviews can be used directly influence client decisions. Don’t wait to gather and share your reviews! 

Things to look out for in the future?

Marketing is always evolving. I would personally keep my eye on Instagram as it continues to evolve at a fast pace, TikTok as its popularity continues to climb, and even the dreaded Metaverse. Is there a future where weddings start to take place IN the Metaverse? Perhaps sooner than you realize. 

Stay learning, stay adapting, and stay testing, but most of all, stay serving your incredible clients. A happy client’s referral should always be your first source of business. 

“A good marketing strategy is always evolving as tools and resources evolve.”


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